
Kouichi KAJISAKIInternational Affairs Dept
Chairman Partner | Patent Attorney
Passed Japanese Patent Bar Examination in 1993 (Reg. No. 10442). Working in the field of intellectual property since 1991.
Areas of expertise
Physicochemistry, polymer chemistry, bioinformatics
Areas of technical experience in IP work
Chemistry in general
Rigid polymer
Bioanalytical equipment
Bio-automation equipment
Graduated from Department of Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
Completed Master’s course in Industrial Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Okayama University
Work Experience
Employed by textile manufacturer for approximately 3 years, during which time was engaged in research and development of polymeric membranes used in separation processes
Employed by other patent firm
Founded UNIUS Patent Attorneys Office (1998)
Memberships & Associations
Japan Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA)
– Assistant Director, Kinki Branch Office (2014 – 2016)
Kansai Patent Attorneys Study Group (KTK)
– Executive Director (2016)
Western Japan Patent Attorney Club
Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA)
Japanese Patent Attorney
Additional registration for representation of clients in specific infringement litigation (2004)
Qualified as Bioinformatics Practitioner by Japanese Society for Bioinformatics (JSBi) (2006)
Qualified as Class II Information Technology Engineer (1989)
Completed course on “EPC & GPL” given by Vossius & Partner (2003)
Eiken (English Test) grade pre-1 (2012)
Lectures and Courses Given
“Commentary on issues of usage inventions based on court cases” at 1st Annual Meeting of the Kansai Chemicals Division of the Japan Intellectual Property Association (JIPA) (2019)
“How To Understand IoT and AI Inventions with a View Toward Drafting Useful Patent Applications: For Inventions in the Machines and Metals Practice Areas” at 5th Annual Meeting of the Kansai Metals & Machines Division of the Japan Intellectual Property Association (JIPA) (2018)
“Seminar with Special Focus on Intended Uses of Known Food Products” hosted by UBM Japan Co Ltd (2017)
Serve as Trainer authorized to administer practical training on subject of “Practical Prosecution Exercises (Chemistry)” to patent attorney candidates for Japan Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA) (2006 – present)
Acted as Coordinator during seminar entitled “The Intellectual Property Utilization Frontier” to commemorate Patent Attorney Day (2011)
“Traps and Trends in Strategies for Patents Having Claims with Parameter-Based Limitations” at Technical Information Institute (2005, 2006)
“Points to Consider When Drafting the Patent Specification (Chemistry Edition)” at Institute of Invention and Innovation (2007)
Contributed to “Legal Practice in Connection with Patent Infringement Disputes” (commemorative volume on occasion of 70th birthday of Attorney Yoichiro Komatsu), published by Seirin Shoin (2018)
“Addition of New Matter and the Technical Significance of Numeric Limitations” in Intellectual Property Management, Vol. 61, No. 11, published by Japan Intellectual Property Association (JIPA) (2011)
“Importance of an Intellectual Property Framework that Supports Innovation and the Role of the Patent Attorney” in Patent, Vol. 63, No. 6, published by Japan Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA) (2010) (NB: this article was selected as Best Journal Article)
“Thoughts on the Written Description Requirement Under Article 36(6)(i) of the Patent Act” in Patent, Vol. 57, No. 5, published by Japan Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA) (2004)
Contributed to “Legal Principles and Issues in Patent Examination and Appeal” compiled by Minoru Takeda, published by Institute of Invention and Innovation (2002)
E-mail inquiries
Telephone inquiries