
Shuko TAKAYAMALife Science Dept
Patent Attorney
Passed Japanese Patent Bar Examination in 1995 (Reg. No. 10987). Working in the field of intellectual property since 1996.
Areas of expertise
Molecular biology, microbiological engineering, polymer chemistry, medicinal drugs
Areas of technical experience in IP work
Medicinal drugs, genetic engineering, adhesives, resin compositions, foodstuffs, microorganisms
Graduated from Department of Food Chemistry and Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
Work Experience
Engaged in development of reagents at central research facility at alcoholic beverage brewery
Employed by other patent firm
Performed intellectual-property-related work at pharmaceutical manufacturer
Joined UNIUS Patent Attorneys Office in 2006
Memberships & Associations
Japan Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA)
Kansai Patent Attorneys Study Group (KTK)
Western Japan Patent Attorney Club
Japanese Patent Attorney
Additional registration for representation of clients in specific infringement litigation (2005)
Lectures and Courses Given
Seminar entitled “Biotechnology and Legal Protection” as part of Japan Patent Attorneys Association Public Forum (2003)
Seminar entitled “Licensing Strategies in Biomedical Fields” (2007)
Seminar entitled “Patent Strategies in Connection with Inventions Arising Out of Research Intended to Discover New Drugs” (2008)
Seminar entitled “Patent Protection for Administration Method/Dosage” (2009)
“Situation with Respect to Obtaining Protection of Biotechnology Inventions” and “Patents Related to Technologies for Development of New Drugs and Scope of Protection Thereof” (“Situation with Respect to Legal Protection of Biotechnology” in Research Report No. 9 by the Intellectual Property Research Center of the Japan Patent Attorneys Association)
Coauthor of “Recent Court Decisions Related to Patent Term Extension” in AIPPI Vol. 42, No. 9 (1997)
E-mail inquiries
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