
Takanobu MORIMOTOSecond Chemical Dept
Patent Attorney
Passed Japanese Patent Bar Examination in 2010 (Reg. No. 17595). Working in the field of intellectual property since 2008.
Areas of expertise
Polymer chemistry, natural products chemistry, foodstuffs, immunology, biotechnology
Areas of technical experience in IP work
Polymers and related technologies (rubber compositions, polymerization methods, etc.)
Biotechnology (foodstuffs, chromatography, immunoassays, cell culture, monoclonal antibodies, etc.)
Software and related technologies (various types of systems for providing web-based or similar services, etc.)
Graduated from Faculty of Education, Kyoto University of Education
Completed Master’s course in Plant Resource Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University
Work Experience
Employed by beverage manufacturer
Employed by other patent firm for approximately 3 years
Joined UNIUS Patent Attorneys Office in 2012
Memberships & Associations
Japan Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA)
Kansai Patent Attorneys Study Group (KTK)
– Secretary, Social Events Group (2011)
Western Japan Patent Attorney Club
Japanese Patent Attorney
Additional registration for representation of clients in specific infringement litigation (2016)
E-mail inquiries
Telephone inquiries